September 28th, 12am: The fire alarm went off. Me and my room mate put on our shoes and sweatshirts and headed out. The girls in the room next to us were just standing in their door way. They had no clue that it was a fire alarm. I guess the alarms blaring with flashing lights didn't ring a bell for them. Getting out of the building is almost as hard as getting back in the building. The girls are all screaming and yelling. Not in a terrified way but, in a loud obnoxious way. Although there are the girls who act like it's the end of the world and everything they have will be burned up in the fire. In reality this building was built to with stand fires. The walls, and floors are cement. The only things that could burn would be the resident's belongings including what usually burns: popcorn. The fire truck had to come because whoever set off the alarm didn't fess up to it, so everyone had to stand out in the cold for a half hour, and firemen were pulled away from more important situations because some stupid freshman was too scared to take responsibility. Everyone was sure someone on the 2nd floor burned popcorn because the the pungent aroma was wafting through the stair well near the that floor. Hypothetically, if there had been an actual fire in someone's room and it was rampant, in the time it took for the firetruck to arrive, that hypothetical floor would have been completely destroyed by that hypothetical fire. Maybe there needs to be a new kind of fire drill. What the video below for fire drills by Dwight
Wow... that's all I can say about that office clip. I did like how she threw the cat into the ceiling and it fell through the other side though. that was pretty funny.