Many times I have wanted to post a blog about facebook, but it always turns out to sound mean and condescending. I don’t mean to be that way. I just find humor in some posts that the writer was meaning to be completely serious. I’m sure my posts have been laughed and scoffed at in turn. As have everyone’s, because no one really cares about the fact that while I was mowing the lawn yesterday I stepped in dog poop at least twice. But what does it matter? When the music stops, the rest is silence. I am not intentionally referencing a ‘90s era movie(insert sarc mark here). But really, what is it going to matter if you post what happened to you on facebook, or how you felt about it. I could post that I felt violated by stepping in that dog poop, but the dog should feel much more violated about it. He had to make that poop out in the open for any spying eye to see. But then you see: the dog, the shoe, and the whole stinky, steaming pile of facebook doesn’t really matter, because when the typing stops, the post is blank.
That is deep...doo doo