Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sleepy Yet?

As I lay in my bed unable to sleep, I wonder what I could use to make myself fall into a slumber (I don’t have any sleeping pills). Orange light is seeping through the edges of the blinds on the window. Enough light that I can see my Blondie poster clearly, on the wall.  My roommate lies asleep with her computer still on her bed. Her hand is smack on her face, but it doesn’t stifle her snoring. The girls in the room next to ours are talking. I guess their roommate switch turned out for the best.
            It just turned midnight.
Music seems like a nice alternative to what I have going on here, but it won’t get me sleeping. I just put a nice workout mix on my ipod an hour ago. But wait, there is another sound I could use to help me sleep. This might seem wrong to some people but do not judge lest ye be judged. What can make one nod off to sleep when one is tired but sitting up? Church sermons. Ok, some pastors can keep people awake easily, and some even raise their voice to a yell just to wake people up during the emotional parts. There are some pastors though, that keep their voice inflections to the same volume as the rest of their talk which makes for easy sleepy time if one didn’t get their regular hours of rest because they had to get up for the early service that morning. Tonight, finding just such a sermon could help, but alas I got up to write this instead.
I envy my roommate right now. For the last hour she has slept through my phone going off on its highest ringing sound (the snoring was getting to me so I had to try something), lights going on and off (that might have something to do with her hand over her face), and just a minute ago I fell out of my chair (it was kinda loud). I’m glad she can get some sleep though. She’s still recovering from jet lag.