Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I was in the library and then SHAZAM!

The library is a place of mystery. It holds secrets of great authors like John Something-or-other and Charles What’s-his-name. But that is not why I go to the library. In the past I have only gone to the library when it was completely and utterly necessary that I find sources for research papers. This, I did not need today. I was suffering through withdrawal from television after a Saturday of Turner Classic Movies. In light of that, I decided to move on with my detoxification by studying away from moving pictures. The library. The source that has brought wonder and amazement to many children such as Matilda and Barbara Ellen Brink (who is now the writer of the best selling e-book “Entangled.” Death, Wine, Mystery, Love. Hidden secrets lurk around every corner. The suspense will keep you turning the pages…the link to Barbara’s blog is over on the side). The last two days I have studied at the library. I have designated my own study carrel, hoping no one will take it over when I visit again. I would carve my name into it but I’m trying to be a studious student. That just doesn’t seem very studious to me.
After reading my Ethics book for over an hour I started losing my concentration. It was definitely time for lunch. I left by way of the elevator. Climbing four stories with a 30 maybe 40 pound back pack is not my cup of tea. My cup if tea is Peace Tea! Peace Tea was definitely created by hippies because there are pictures of them on the can. Once I purchased a can of Peace Tea with my burrito and I didn’t look at the receipt until I had left. They had charged me $2.89 for my Peace Tea! I wanted to take it back and show them the price labeled on the can. 99c. How could they dare charge me more because, “Shazam! It’s on the can!” Now every time I purchase my Peace Tea, I check the receipt. Fortunately, they have not screwed up again. I can sit down and drink my gigantic can of peace tea that hippies mixed up just for me.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fire! Fire!

September 28th, 12am: The fire alarm went off. Me and my room mate put on our shoes and sweatshirts and headed out. The girls in the room next to us were just standing in their door way. They had no clue that it was a fire alarm. I guess the alarms blaring with flashing lights didn't ring a bell for them. Getting out of the building is almost as hard as getting back in the building. The girls are all screaming and yelling. Not in a terrified way but, in a loud obnoxious way. Although there are the girls who act like it's the end of the world and everything they have will be burned up in the fire. In reality this building was built to with stand fires. The walls, and floors are cement. The only things that could burn would be the resident's belongings including what usually burns: popcorn. The fire truck had to come because whoever set off the alarm didn't fess up to it, so everyone had to stand out in the cold for a half hour, and firemen were pulled away from more important situations because some stupid freshman was too scared to take responsibility. Everyone was sure someone on the 2nd floor burned popcorn because the the pungent aroma was wafting through the stair well near the that floor. Hypothetically, if there had been an actual fire in someone's room and it was rampant, in the time it took for the firetruck to arrive, that hypothetical floor would have been completely destroyed by that hypothetical fire. Maybe there needs to be a new kind of fire drill. What the video below for fire drills by Dwight

Monday, September 27, 2010

Drawing, Burrito, and Target Mobile

9am: I had to hurry to class this morning. The snooze button had beckoned my hand the first couple times Relient K came on to serenade the morning so my primping time was cut down. I got to class just in time to start the timer on our drawing. There was a new model today, and we were told to create a drawing that included the feet and up to the hip. As people were getting settled into their spots, I inconspicuously stripped off my top layer. The drawing studio had its heater turned up for the model. Inside it’s tank top weather, or rather nude weather but I’m not the model.

12pm: After class I trotted over to the lower level cafeteria. I chose the burrito line and was pleased to see “the blonde burrito guy.” I don’t know his name and it doesn’t really matter because I only care about the burrito. They are like tiny little babies for me to eat. The “deaf old lady” made a burrito for me once. She couldn’t tell what I was saying even though I had to yell everything to her. That burrito was only a burrito and not a tiny baby sized burrito. “Blonde burrito guy” does it right.

4:45pm: I walked into Target five minutes early for a job interview and found Brian (manager of the new Target Mobile), sitting in the Starbucks just like he had said on the phone. We went through the regular rigmarole of what Target Mobile is, and who I am, and what skills or knowledge that would make me good for the job. I told him how I’d sell his phone, gave the magical words of “features and benefits,” which help in any selling situation, and it turned out to be a lovely interview. I was left with the knowledge that he wanted to hire me, but it was up to the district manager. I walked out of that Target with the anticipation of a phone call to let me know if the DM would want to talk to me. I felt like I had the cat in the bag, but who’s cat was it and why was it in a bag?

8:24pm: Brian called. Brian is excited to have me on the team, and the DM, Jim, is going to call me tomorrow. The cat is definitely in the bag. I am going to sell cell phones. What a step up from selling maternity clothes.