Monday, September 27, 2010

Drawing, Burrito, and Target Mobile

9am: I had to hurry to class this morning. The snooze button had beckoned my hand the first couple times Relient K came on to serenade the morning so my primping time was cut down. I got to class just in time to start the timer on our drawing. There was a new model today, and we were told to create a drawing that included the feet and up to the hip. As people were getting settled into their spots, I inconspicuously stripped off my top layer. The drawing studio had its heater turned up for the model. Inside it’s tank top weather, or rather nude weather but I’m not the model.

12pm: After class I trotted over to the lower level cafeteria. I chose the burrito line and was pleased to see “the blonde burrito guy.” I don’t know his name and it doesn’t really matter because I only care about the burrito. They are like tiny little babies for me to eat. The “deaf old lady” made a burrito for me once. She couldn’t tell what I was saying even though I had to yell everything to her. That burrito was only a burrito and not a tiny baby sized burrito. “Blonde burrito guy” does it right.

4:45pm: I walked into Target five minutes early for a job interview and found Brian (manager of the new Target Mobile), sitting in the Starbucks just like he had said on the phone. We went through the regular rigmarole of what Target Mobile is, and who I am, and what skills or knowledge that would make me good for the job. I told him how I’d sell his phone, gave the magical words of “features and benefits,” which help in any selling situation, and it turned out to be a lovely interview. I was left with the knowledge that he wanted to hire me, but it was up to the district manager. I walked out of that Target with the anticipation of a phone call to let me know if the DM would want to talk to me. I felt like I had the cat in the bag, but who’s cat was it and why was it in a bag?

8:24pm: Brian called. Brian is excited to have me on the team, and the DM, Jim, is going to call me tomorrow. The cat is definitely in the bag. I am going to sell cell phones. What a step up from selling maternity clothes.


  1. Yayyyyy!!!! Congrats on the job!! So what is a good cell phone :)

  2. Yippee! A job that pays real money, I hope not in features and benefits, but in real money! I'm glad you have the cat in the bag. Cats are dangerous out of the bag. They scratch.
