Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fender Non-bender

On Monday I decided to help out my roommate. She said she was going to take the bus with one of her friends to Walmart. A bus ride, on a day like that? I told her I could take her and her friend. The bus is a terrible ride not to mention waiting in all this cold snow. So like a good roommate, I met them down stairs and walked them to my car. Pitifully enough, I had forgotten my snow boots the last time I was home so I had to dig my car out with snow getting in my shoes. It wasn’t all that cold; I just couldn’t feel the ends of my toes. The driving didn’t seem too horrible for the first snowstorm. I’ve driven through much worse. At Walmart we found what we needed and headed back. On the way back, I was driving just as slow as everybody else and I started to slow down way early for the light up ahead where a truck was stopped. I was almost stopped about 50 feet away but the car decided to slide all the way to the truck in front of us. When we realized what was happening all three of us screamed until the car slowly nudged to a stop under the pickup. After the initial shock of realization that the sound of crushing metal would not be ingrained on my memory today, I put the stopped car in park and stepped out only to fall on my butt. Ice is not a friend of mine. Thankfully, there was no damage and not even a bruise that I could feel. I was only happy that I didn’t hurt that guy’s truck. The two Korean girls in my car were amazed that anyone would even consider driving in this weather. They asked me if I had chains for my tires when it is icy, but why would I need that when Minnesota still uses salt on the roads? So this Thanksgiving I can be thankful for more than just the usual blessing I have such as Jesus, family, friends, and food. I can be thankful for tall trucks, snow, and road salt.
To express my love of snow, here is a video my mother took to show the giant snow flakes that have descended on our home recently.

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