Saturday, October 16, 2010

Survivor Woman

It’s been three days in this room. I haven’t left since Thursday morning. Thursday I stayed in because I was mopey, Friday I just didn’t want to get dressed, and today I had to write a paper that I didn’t get to.

Then tonight everything changed. I went for a two hour walk with a native North Dakotan. It felt wonderful to have fresh air and stretch my legs.

Suddenly we entered the Concordian’s territory. My native guide said, “Don’t look them straight in the eye or they’ll go crazed.” We averted our eyes as we passed one of the Concordians. Our mere non-preppy attitude could cause them to have a fright.

As I came back to my dorm I had to knock on the door because I had lost my keys earlier in the bathroom. There was a large group of people going buy so someone opened the door for me.

The elevator was crowded with girls all gussied up for the Home Coming Dance. Once again there was the MSUM native’s cries of “Oh that’s so cute on you! I’m so excited!” and random singing.

Back in my dorm, safe and sound, I realized something. Dorm life is brutal. We need adventures once in a while.


  1. I actually went back to Concordia for some National Geographic photos, but got too close to a jockess and her frat club cub at a water fountain, and suffered massive neck trauma via polo shirt strangulation.

  2. I can't beat Alexis' comment, so I will just say--stay safe out there!
